Tuesday 5 February 2019

Atheist objection on Islam that wearing islamic dress causes increased incidence of obesity in muslim females and its answer

Atheist objection on Islam that wearing islamic dress causes increased incidence of obesity in muslim females and its answer

Written by Dr Ahead Hassan
Science has confirmed that visual stimulation plays a predominant role in the physiology of men compared to women. The fact that the sex-industry in the West is targeted towards the male-market confirms it.
So islam orders women to wear hijab.The orientalists and atheists put object on Islam that wearing veil or hijab and Islamic dress discourages exercise psychologically and practically.This is thoroughly wrong.We should note that muslim women only wear hijab when they go outside.But when they are in their home,they don't need to waer hijab.They can even do exercise in their own home while keeping out of the sight of non_mahram males.There is no restrictions on women whatever they do while keeping out of the sight of other males.They can climb stairs In their home and research has shown that it is very good exercise to reduce obesity.They can do other type of exercise if there are no stairs in home.For exercise,it is not necessary to be a naked and go in front of other males.If exercise is only for exercise and not for a show,then it can easily be done in home.It can even be done in exercise centres exclusively for females.So to blame hijaab and muslim dress is very illogical and wrong.To further elaborate this,islam encourages healthy diet containing honey,olive oil and milk,it forbids to eat excessively and like animals,which together reduce risk of obesity.In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, muslim women can have  access to a gym that allows sisters to work out privately during daytime business hours.The gyms of this kind can also be opened in other countries also. This can easily be done by putting together a “ladies only” workout club and approach venues such as a local university or college,
In Edmonton, Canada,Gold’s Gym has a separate, closed off section, just for ladies.
Another option would be to find a female aerobics instructor and rent some time in a college or university gymnasium.
a good home workout can be just as effective as going to the gym.
you can find 50 different types of exercises  which a muslim woman  can do at home.
Going to a mixed gym is definitely an option that many sisters won’t consider for reasons that are obvious to us. Before you give up entirely on getting fit, here are various options on how you can get fit.
For many Muslimahs, the option of going to a mixed gym creates levels of discomfort.
 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia women  have access to a gym that allows sisters to work out privately during daytime business hours.
 In Edmonton, Canada,  Gold’s Gym has a separate, closed off section, just for ladies. This service can be made available in other countries also.
This can easily be done by putting together a “ladies only” workout club and approach venues such as a local university or college, or even the local “mixed” gym and put in a request for using their facilities privately.
Another option would be to find a female aerobics instructor and rent some time in a college or university gymnasium or even a dance hall.
Often times our local hospitals also offer fitness classes blocking out “female only” slots.Following is an exercise program for muslim women at home.
Instructions: Alternate each exercise for a total of 3 or 4 times, 1 group at a time, quick paced (1 second per execution).
Group 1: Alternate 3 – 4 times consecutively with little/no rest in between:
15 push-ups (upper body)
15 tuck jumps (lower body/core)
Rest for 60 seconds before beginning the next group. You should still be slightly out of breath.
Group 2: Alternate 3-4 times consecutively with little/no rest in between:
15 bicep curls (upper body) weighted or not, with household items, for example, books.
30 mountain climbers (lower body/core)
Rest for 60 seconds before beginning the next group, you should still be slightly out of breath.
Group 3: Alternate 3-4 times consecutively with little/no rest in between:
15 reverse flies (upper body) weighted or not, with household items, for example, canned goods.
15 (per leg/core) single leg dead lifts
And it is said that incidence of obesity in females is more in muslim countries where woman wear islamic dress.But it is again wrong.Read WHO report about incidence of obesity  all over world
"The prevalence of overweight and obesity were highest in the WHO Regions of the Americas (62% for overweight in both sexes, and 26% for obesity) and lowest in the WHO Region for South East Asia (14% overweight in both sexes and 3% for obesity). In the WHO Region for Europe and the WHO Region for the Eastern Mediterranean and the WHO Region for the Americas over 50% of women were overweight. For all three of these regions, roughly half of overweight women are obese (23% in Europe, 24% in the Eastern Mediterranean, 29% in the Americas). In all WHO regions women were more likely to be obese than men. In the WHO regions for Africa, Eastern Mediterranean and South East Asia, women had roughly double the obesity prevalence of men."
Southeast Asia consists of two geographic regions:
Mainland Southeast Asia, also known historically as Indochina, comprising Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), and West Malaysia.
Maritime Southeast Asia, comprising Indonesia, East Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, East Timor, Brunei, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, and Christmas Island and among these,there are mostly non muslims countries but according to WHO,incidence of obesity in female in these countries is also double as compared to males.The point to bet noted is that in these countries,women dont observe islamic dress but then why obesity rate is still high in females.It means that there are other factors of female obesity which should be taken into account before blaming islamic dress.According to WHO
"Globally, there has been
an increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat; and
an increase in physical inactivity due to the increasingly sedentary nature of many forms of work, changing modes of transportation, and increasing urbanization.
Changes in dietary and physical activity patterns are often the result of environmental and societal changes associated with development and lack of supportive policies in sectors such as health, agriculture, transport, urban planning, environment, food processing, distribution, marketing, and education."
Globally obesity has reached to epidemic proportions, and the people of the Gulf countries have also affected, especially high-income, oil-producing countries.  In middle east countries,there is  increased consumption of fast foods and sugar-dense beverages (e.g., sodas) like Europe and America. Simultaneously, technological advances – cars, elevators, escalators, and remotes have lead to a decrease in level of activity. Traditional dependence on locally grown natural products such as dates, vegetables, wheat and has also shifted. Changes in food consumption, socioeconomic and demographic factors, physical activity, and urbanization are being important factors that contribute to the increased prevalence of obesity in the region.
So obesity has other causes rather than islamic dress nor any authentic research mentions it.Still if some one has objections on islam dress,we clear to him that islam is not against women exercise if it is done our of the sight of non mahram males.

Sister-Friendly Options to Get Fit, and Stay Fit! | Productive Muslim
Photo by Hotel de la Paix Geneve: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hoteldelapaixgeneve/


اگر ممکن ہے تو اپنا تبصرہ تحریر کریں

اہم اطلاع :- غیر متعلق,غیر اخلاقی اور ذاتیات پر مبنی تبصرہ سے پرہیز کیجئے, مصنف ایسا تبصرہ حذف کرنے کا حق رکھتا ہے نیز مصنف کا مبصر کی رائے سے متفق ہونا ضروری نہیں۔

اگر آپ کے کمپوٹر میں اردو کی بورڈ انسٹال نہیں ہے تو اردو میں تبصرہ کرنے کے لیے ذیل کے اردو ایڈیٹر میں تبصرہ لکھ کر اسے تبصروں کے خانے میں کاپی پیسٹ کرکے شائع کردیں۔