Saturday 13 January 2018

Debunking Evolutionists Assumptions Regarding Homo Erectus,Homo Ergester, Homo Antecessor and And Their Relation To So Called Human Evolution Compiled By Dr.Aheed Hassan

Debunking Evolutionists Assumptions Regarding Homo Erectus,Homo Ergester, Homo Antecessor and And Their Relation To So Called Human Evolution
Compiled By Dr.Aheed Hassan
According to evolutionists,Homo ergaster (meaning "working man") or African Homo erectus is an extinct chronospecies of the genus Homo that lived in eastern and southern Africa during the early Pleistocene, that is, between 1.9 million and 1.4 million years ago.
Homo ergaster – Homo ergaster ("working man") is an extinct hominid species (or subspecies, according to some authorities).Here evolutionists are trying to misguide people as Homo ergester was not a homind meaning great ape but a truly human race belonging to genus Homo(We will prove it in our further discussion of this article) and being a Hominin and not a homind but evolutionists in their attempt to prove their so called evolutionary assumptions misplace and misclassify animals and wrongly present different animal species in their wrong biological classifications so that they may prove their so called evolutionary tree by presenting one animal as an ancestor of other animal.
A near-complete skeleton of H. ergaster, KNM-WT 15000, or "Turkana Boy", was discovered in 1984 at Lake Turkana by Kamoya Kimeu and Alan Walker. It is dated to 1.6 million years ago (mya) and is one of the most complete early hominin fossils found to date.This is the site from which the fossils of many apes have been discovered which were called Hominins by the evolutionists but they failed to prove it as we have shown in our previous discussions.It support that in past, humans and apes lived in the same climate and environment.
According to evolutionists,Homo ergester is one of the earliest hominins, which are those hominids that comprise the original members and species of the human clade after splitting from the line of the chimpanzees. These are just evolutionists assumptions and genetics does not prove the splitting of human species from chimpanzees in a so called evolutionary process and we, the creationists have proved it(Read article on icr site regarding alleged fusion of chimpanzees chromosomes 7 A and 7 B leading to human Chromosomes number of 46 instead of 48 as in chimpanzees) According to evolutionists, Homo ergaster is variously thought to be ancestral to, or as sharing a common ancestor with, or as being the same species as, Homo erectus.So evolutionists themselves admit that these were infact humans, now when they admit that Homo ergester we're humans and not a supposed human ancestor.So the things support creationists claim that both were same and pure humans and not a supposed human evolutionary ancestor.We can accept it in a sense that both Homo ergester and Homo erectus were both true human species( infact subspecies or races)and not a so called transient animal in supposed human evolution and one may be ancestor of other but both not being evolved from an ape like animal in remote past and we have proved that all Hominid fossils to prove this so called human evolution don't support it and genetics has also rejected this concept.
Some palaeoanthropologists consider H. ergaster to be a variety of H. erectus, that is, the so-called African Homo erectus. Homo ergaster – Many researchers deny any validity to the species at all. On the whole though, most researchers see too little difference between ergaster and erectus to form the basis of a species of the former, separated from the latter".So according to them,the so called African Homo erectus is nothing new but infact Homo erectus human individuals living in Africa,and the so label of so called African Homo erectus or Homo ergester is just an evolutionary bullshit.According to others,Homo ergester is the direct ancestor of Erectus,which then emigrated out of Africa into Eurasia and branched into a distinct species( infact subspecies or races as both Homo ergaster and Homo erectus were humans).So some evolutionists claim that they are the ancestors of Homo erectus while others claim that they are the same.Even if Homo ergester is ancestor of Homo erectus, even then they are both fully humans and their fossils record has showed it.The creationists have no problem regarding their theory of creation while they are the same or the descendants of one another.
The latest discoveries at Dmanisi, Georgia, suggest that all the contemporary groups of early Homo in Africa, including Homo ergaster, are of the same species and should be assigned to Homo erectus.It supports our claim that all species of genus Homo, whether ergester,erectus,habilis,antecessor and heidelbergensis are infact one species of Homo erectus who are infact humans and not a missing link in supposed human evolution.
According to evolutionists,H.ergaster may be distinguished from H. erectus by its thinner skull-bones and lack of an obvious supraorbital foramen; and from H. heidelbergensis by its thinner bones, more protrusive face, and lower forehead. Derived features separating it from earlier non-Homo species include reduced sexual dimorphism,a smaller, more orthognathous (less protrusive) face, a smaller dental arcade, and a larger cranial capacity (that is, 700–900 cm³ in earlier H. ergaster-specimens, and 900–1100 in later specimens).Infact,these are the same anatomical differences which also exist between modern humans and are not a proof of supposed human evolution.
Based on Turkana Boy's cervical vertebrae, which were far narrower than in later humans, it was thought that H. ergaster was restricted in the physical ability to regulate breathing and thereby to produce complex sounds. Later finds, however, disclosed that cervical vertebrae in Dmanisi, which are some 300,000 years older than those of Turkana Boy, were well within the normal range of human vertebrae.And it has been established that the Turkana Boy probably suffered from a disease of the spinal column that resulted in narrower cervical vertebrae than in modern humans(or in the older Dmanisi finds).This thing shows that how evolutionists try to use some anatomical features in support of their claims and ignore disease, degeneration and distortion which is found in fossils.
Some scientists dispense altogether with using the specific epithet ergaster, making no distinction, for example, between Turkana Boy and Peking Man as H. erectus fossils.
The latest discoveries at Dmanisi, Georgia, (see Dmanisi skull) suggest that all the contemporary groups of early Homo in Africa—which include Homo habilis, H. rudolfensis, H. ergaster, and H. erectus—are of the same species, which evolved at least 1.9 million years ago in Africa and later expanded through Eurasia as far as China and Java, where it is documented from about 1.2 mya—and which species is best named H. erectus. So it supports our claim that all of the homo were purely humans and the same species living almost at the same time.Even before the discoveries at Dmanisi there was broad concern about the amount of speciation as a norm described throughout the course of human evolution; that is, had the number of taxa within the Homo genus been seriously overstated?
"Unique skull find rebuts theories on species diversity in early humans".The major implication of the analyses of the Dmanisi skull and the other finds at Dmanisi is that all the earliest varieties of Homo are of one species, and are best classified as Homo erectus. This implies that H. ergaster is subsumed under the taxon H. erectus, and that the two species have much the same ancestry and progeny, and should be classified accordingly.There are broad divisions in the scientific community re interpreting the development of the earliest species of genus Homo. H. habilis is generally accepted as the putative ancestor of Homo, and the direct ancestor of H. ergaster. However, habilis's status as a legitimate species within "Homo" is particularly contentious. Apparently, habilis and ergaster coexisted in East Africa for almost half a million years, which likely indicates that, rather than an anagenetic connection between them, they diverged from a common ancestor.and this common ancestor has been disproved by us.It supports our claim that evolutionists ovestate species and texts to prove their supposed evolutionary biology.So the so called Homo habilis, Homo ergester,Homo antecessor, Homo naledi and all other species are overstated by the evolutionists as separate species while infact they were the individuals of same species i.e humans living in different areas at different periods of time.
H. ergaster used more diverse and sophisticated stone tools than its predecessor, H. habilis. H. ergaster refined the inherited Oldowan technology, then developed the first Acheulean bifacial axes.While the use of Acheulean tools began ca. 1.6 million years ago, the line of H. erectus diverged some 200,000 years before the general innovation of Acheulean technology.Not only was H. ergaster like modern humans in body, but also more in organisation and sociality than any earlier species. It is conceivable that H. ergaster was the first hominin to harness fire: whether as the containment of natural fire, or as the lighting of artificial fire, is still a matter of contention. It is now assumed that H. erectus did have control of fire,as did every other hominin sharing a common ancestor with H. ergaster.
The use of complex(not simple) tool making behaviour is limited to humans and if Homo ergaster used more complex tools than Homo habilis,it and fire use can not be called evolutionary process but is ongoing cultural development which occurs with successive generations throughout humans history as both Homo habilis and Homo ergester were humans.
A 1994 issue of Time magazine said "Yet despite more than a century of digging, the fossil record remains maddeningly sparse. With so few clues, even a single bone that doesn't fit into the picture can upset everything. Virtually every major discovery has put deep cracks in the conventional wisdom and forced scientists to concoct new theories, amid furious debated."
Does the new field of molecular anthropology lend support for man's alleged evolutionary past? In his article, "A Genetic Perspective on the Origin and History of Humans," Dr. Takahata, writing in the Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 1995, stated that: "Even with DNA sequence data, we have no direct access to the processes of evolution, so objective reconstruction of the vanished past can be achieved only by creative imagination."
In 1992, Bernard Wood reported in Nature magazine that "it is remarkable that the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of the earliest known representatives of our own genus, Homo, remain obscure. Advances in techniques for absolute dating and reassessments of the fossils themselves have rendered untenable a simple unilinear model of human evolution, in which Homo habilissucceeded the australopithecines and then evolved via H. erectus into H. sapiens—but no clear alternative consensus has yet emerged."
Homo antecessor is an extinct human species (or subspecies) dating from 1.2 million to 800,000 years ago, that was discovered by Eudald Carbonell, Juan Luis Arsuaga and J. M. Bermúdez de Castro.The genus name Homo is the Latin word for "human" whereas the species name antecessor is a Latin word meaning "explorer", "pioneer" or "early settler", assigned to emphasize the belief that these people belonged to the earliest migratory waves as yet known from the European continent.So remember that like all of Homo species,Homo antecessor is true human species and not a Hominid or great ape or intermediate human evolution.The readers should understand one thing more that all of Homo species we're in fact true humans and races or subspecies of humans and nothing else.The evolutionists themselves admit that this Homo species is itself human or a subspecies which means a race of humans.But evolutionists try to misguide people that Homo antecessor was the common ancestor of modern humans and Neanderthals. The reality is that all i.e Homo antecessor,humans and Neanderthals are human races but evolutionists in their evolutionary assumptions and suppositions try to misguide people that Neanderthals were some different species while reality is that they were true humans and if Homo antecessor is common ancestor of both humans and Neanderthals,it doesn't mean that humans and Neanderthals evolved from Homo antecessor but infact Homo antecessor were forefathers or ancestor of two races of human species meaning modern humans and neanderthal humans and nothing else. Regarding description that how Neanderthals were humans and not a separate species from humans,read article
Author Richard Klein argues that it was a separate species that evolved from H. ergaster.Even, if it is accepted that it was a separate species evolving from Homo ergester,till then ,it can not be labelled as non human evolutionary ancestor as evolutionists themselves have admitted that they are humans(For Homo ergester,we have proved in our previous discussion that they were real humans and nothing else). We don't have problem to accept them as humans.We have problem when evolutionists label various human races as separate species and label on as ancestor of other.
Some scientists consider H. antecessor to be the same species as H. heidelbergensis, who inhabited Europe from 600,000 to 250,000 years ago in the Pleistocene.So, even the separate racial or subspecies status of Homo antecessor is not accepted by some evolutionary scientists themselves and they include them in the species Homo heidelbergensis who were also real humans and nothing else.
The best-preserved fossil is a maxilla that belonged to a ten-year-old individual found in Spain. Based on palaeomagneticmeasurements, it is thought to be older than 857–780 ka.As a complete skull has yet to be unearthed, only fourteen fragments and lower jaw bones exist, these scholars point to the fact, that "most of the known H. antecessor specimens represent children" as "most of the features tying H. antecessor to modern people were found in juveniles, whose bodies and physical features change as they grow up and go through puberty. It’s possible that H. antecessor adults didn't really look much like H. sapiens at all".So evolutionists themselves admit that they resembled modern humans but at the same time assume that their adults were different from modern humans.It is only an assumption and evolutionists have no proof for it as no complete skeleton of Homo antecessor has been found till now.
In 1994 and 1995, 80 fossils of six individuals who may have belonged to the species were found in Atapuerca, Spain.University of Tarragona—suggest H. antecessor may have evolved from a population of H. erectus living in Africa more than 1.5 million years ago and then migrated to Europe, further arguing that H. antecessor gave rise to H. heidelbergensis, which then gave rise to Neanderthals, without contradicting the previous phylogenetic analysis.Till this time,no complete skeleton of Homo antecessor has been found and it can not be said exactly.These are evolutionary suppositions but one thing is fact that whether it was or not, all of Homo species we're humans.
A 2013 DNA analysis from a 400,000-year-old femur from Spain's Sima de los Huesos in the Atapuerca Mountains—the oldest hominin sequence yet published—did not help to overcome contradictions. Results "left researchers baffled" as the sequence "suggests [a closer] link to [the] mystery population" of the Denisovans instead of the Neanderthals as was anticipated.A review of the Spanish National Research Centre for Human Evolution (CENIEH) in 2015, titled "Homo antecessor: The state of the art eighteen years later" only yields vague statements on the species' phylogenetic position: "... a speciation event could have occurred in Africa/Western Eurasia, originating a new Homo clade", and further: "Homo antecessor ... could be a side branch of this clade placed at the westernmost region of the Eurasian continent".These are the genetic studies which show that how evolutionists exaggerate biological ages which other studies reject.These studies show a second most important thing that the evolutionists and atheist are very very wrong when they say that humans inhabited Earth before Aadam and Eve as the oldest human species still genetically sequenced is Homo antecessor so called fossil which is In fact denisovan and no genetic study has been done till now which shows that there were humans whom mitochondrial DNA and Y Chromosomes don't meet Adam and Eve.
H. antecessor was about 1.6–1.8 m (5½–6 feet) tall, and males weighed roughly 90 kg (200 pounds). Their brain sizes were roughly 1,000 to 1,150 cm³, smaller than the 1,350 cm³ average of modern humans. Due to fossil scarcity, very little more is known about the physiology of H. antecessor, yet it was likely to have been more robust than H. heidelbergensis۔These are the minor difference also found between modern humans races and can not be ascribed to any supposed human evolution.Studies on human brain size, largely based on participants of European ancestry, tend to find an average adult brain volume of 1260 cubic centimeters (cm3) for men and 1130 cm3 for women. There is, however, substantial variation between individuals; one study of 46 adults, aged 22–49 years and of mainly European descent, found an average brain volume of 1273.6 cm3 for men, with a range of 1052.9 to 1498.5 cm3, and 1131.1 cm3 for women, with a range of 974.9 to 1398.1 cm3.
A number of studies have found correlation between variation in brain size in cranial capacity and geographic ancestry in humans.This variation in cranial capacity is believed to be primarily caused by climatic adaptation that favor large round heads in colder climates because they conserve heat and slender heads in warm climates closer to the equator (See Bergmann's rule and Allen's rule).So even today, the brain size is different between different human races and it ranges from 1052.9 to 1498.5 cm3.These changes were also present between different human races but evolutionists in order to prove their assumptions ignore these variations.
Based on teeth eruption pattern, the researchers think that H. antecessor had the same development stages as H. sapiens, though probably at a faster pace. Other significant features demonstrated by the species are a protruding occipital bun, a low forehead, and a lack of a strong chin. Some of the remains are almost indistinguishable from the fossil attributable to the 1.5-million-year-old Turkana Boy, belonging to H. ergaster.All of these anatomical features show that they were humans and nothing else.
So now, after reading all of our above discussion,the evolutionists claim regarding Homo ergester and human evolution are based on irrational assumptions and now even some evolutionists are saying that the the supposed human evolution can not be proved and they will have to believe in law of divine creation of humans and animals.
And the praise is for the Allah Almighty.
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اہم اطلاع :- غیر متعلق,غیر اخلاقی اور ذاتیات پر مبنی تبصرہ سے پرہیز کیجئے, مصنف ایسا تبصرہ حذف کرنے کا حق رکھتا ہے نیز مصنف کا مبصر کی رائے سے متفق ہونا ضروری نہیں۔

اگر آپ کے کمپوٹر میں اردو کی بورڈ انسٹال نہیں ہے تو اردو میں تبصرہ کرنے کے لیے ذیل کے اردو ایڈیٹر میں تبصرہ لکھ کر اسے تبصروں کے خانے میں کاپی پیسٹ کرکے شائع کردیں۔